By Sandy Jameson
Writer at the Fit Health Beaut, mother of 2 beautiful girls


BEFORE you take the quiz, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND reading my story below, it’s a quick 50 second read)

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If like me you just wanna be able to fit on that dress or jeans that have been sitting in your closet for years, and look in the mirror and stop saying things like “Ugh, I feel so fat!”, I’m so happy you found my blog because I’m almost certain my story will help you save a lot of time, money and frustration. 

I never thought my transformation journey would actually start with a weird quiz, but it did! Funny because I usually don’t take these online quizzes… But honestly, I don’t even want to imagine how I would be now if I had ignored it, because this weird quiz led me to discover the real reason I was not seeing any progress in my weight loss journey.

Once I learned what the real problem was and I added this tiny ritual to my morning routine to fix it, the fat just started melting right off from my most troublesome spots, my belly, my love handles, my thighs, the folds on my back… they all started to shrink! I got incredible results in just 1 month, and it didn’t stop working after that, like so many things that I tried before and only worked in the first weeks, no, the weight just continued to come off! 

My name is Sandy Jameson, I’m a 49 years old woman, mother of two beautiful girls, married to a wonderful man, working a fulltime job. I had a full life and should feel happy, but yet, I was feeling miserable. Like so many women out there, I have spent way too much time and life desperately trying to lose weight with no results. My body image and negative self-talk were draining my life from happiness as I would avoid any social activity with the people I loved, just because I felt ashamed of how I looked. 

I never really had much of an issue with my weight until after I got pregnant. In my first pregnancy I gained about 30 pounds, but slowly lost most of it after the birth of my first daughter. The problem really started after my second pregnancy. This time I gained about 43 pounds and I only lost 4 pounds after I gave birth.

Initially, I believed that once my maternity leave ended and I went back to work, the weight would naturally come off, but it didn’t. Actually, I started piling on more pounds. Honestly, for a long time, I didn’t do much to try and fix it, as taking care of my two daughters while having some time for my husband, keeping the house organized, and working full time was already too much on my plate!

But after a while, all the extra weight started to take a toll on my physical, mental and emotional health. I had very low energy, even after a full night of sleep, and it was becoming harder and harder to play with my daughters and take care of the house chores after a full day of work. That was hard enough, but what was really killing me slowly was my mental and emotional health. My self-esteem was so low that I loathed the image I saw in the mirror. My belly, my thighs, my back… they were all so fat and made me self-conscious all the time. Simply put I felt ashamed of myself! 

I also looked and felt so much older than my actual age. It was so bad that I avoided taking my clothes off in front of my husband. My life was a real mess and I knew something had to change!


I won’t waste your time here, I’ll just be blunt. I TRIED IT ALL. Diets, exercises, spa treatments (oh gosh, so much money I spent with those treatments)... I tried it all and I failed miserably. I made so many changes, but my body just wouldn’t respond.  

The best I could ever get was 5 pounds lost... after a MONTH of hard work... only to gain those 5 pounds back the INSTANT I stopped whatever I was doing.

Don’t get me wrong, I know exercising and healthy eating are important, they will always be part of a healthy life, but it seemed like nothing was moving the needle for me, and I couldn’t figure out why.


When I took that quiz and then went on to discover what the real problem is, I felt relief.

Relief because when you have tried it all, and you’re exercising, dieting, and trying to eat more healthy foods, spending money on treatments to lose inches off of your body … basically doing all the right things the media and experts say you are supposed to do, and you get no results, you start feeling that maybe there’s something wrong with you, that maybe you are broken or you’re lazy and that if you just tried harder, then you would get the results! You know what I mean? Well, that’s how I felt during my journey...

I finally understood that what was keeping me overweight and undermining my health and all my efforts to lose weight, had nothing to do with being lazy, following a specific diet, how much you exercise, genetics, or even age! I also understood there was nothing wrong with me after all. I just had never addressed the root cause.

When I added this morning trigger to my morning routine everything changed. As I said, the fat just started melting right off from my most troublesome spots! I had never seen anything like it, my belly, my love handles, my thighs, the folds on my back… they all started to shrink! I saw incredible results in just 1 month, and it just kept getting better and better. And after only 2 months I went from 201 down to 147!

This quick morning trigger is the reason why I can fit again in my beloved jeans, and look great in any fitted dress without worrying about my belly and love handles ruining my look! And listen, this change has not only transformed my body shape but my health as well. I have so much more energy to do the things I love and to enjoy my family. I even started hiking, and I would have never thought about it before! You just can’t put a price tag on these things! And above all, it gave me back my self-esteem… I can’t find words to explain the feeling of looking in the mirror and actually loving yourself again. It may sound cheesy, but this tiny change to my morning routine completely transformed my life and it has set me free. I also feel blessed I’ll be able to pass this knowledge on to my two beautiful daughters, so they will never have to go through the battle and frustration I went through.

I honestly don’t understand why this information is not in the mainstream media, available for every person that needs it, so I just felt I needed to share this valuable information. If you feel like it, you are welcome to share it too! And here is to your new self and your transformed life!

Stay healthy!
Sandy Jameson

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